Magic Mushrooms Guides & Benefits

Magic Mushrooms are a great way to enjoy the world of psychedelics, whether you want to see things from a different perspective or simply appreciate nature and its beauty. This guide will help you understand how to take Magic Mushrooms in different ways, and what types of results you can expect from each

Dried Mushrooms Guide

The usual way of ingesting magic mushrooms is simply by eating them. In this case it is important to chew them thoroughly, to allow all the juices to come out. The psychoactive compound released from the mushroom by your saliva will start mixing with your blood, reaching every cell in your body.

It will take more or less 45 minutes for them to start working, depending on the stomach content – the less you eat before, the better. It is advised to avoid food for a few hours.

However, we’ll be honest, dried mushrooms don’t taste great. We suggest consuming the mushrooms on Pizza, PB & Js, Chips, in a Smoothie, or anything you think will mask the taste of the mushrooms “earthy” taste.

We promise the taste will be worth the reward, however, if you can’t bear the taste, try our Magic Mushroom Edibles.


We recommend starting with 1-2g for first time users. Then gradually upping your dose after building an understanding of the effects of psilocybin. Your tolerance will grow if taken frequently.

 Guides & Benefits

Magic Mushrooms are a great way to enjoy the world of psychedelics, whether you want to see things from a different perspective or simply appreciate nature and its beauty. This guide will help you understand how to take Magic Mushrooms in different ways, and what types of results you can expect from each.

Benefits Of Consuming Magic Mushrooms

  1. Studies have shown “a single dose of psilocybin produced substantial and enduring decreases in depressed mood and anxiety along with increases in quality of life” (Journal of Psychopharmacolocy).
  2. The mystical and profound experiences that so many have experienced since the 1960s in American culture are now being explored in mainstream medical science. The results are compelling and paint a proven, positive, symbiotic picture of magic mushrooms as a power healer.
  3. Clinical trials are being run to use magic mushrooms on patients with life-threatening cancer. These trials are trying to understand how a high magic mushroom dose administered in a therapeutic environment can reduce psychological stress and anxiety that comes with life-threatening diagnosis.
  4. Psilocybin is proven to improve neuroplasticity. This is the brain’s ability to learn and grow and change.
  5. Magic mushrooms treats Cluster headaches. Anecdotal evidence suggests in the 2000s, medical professionals started taking notice of psilocybin and LSD as a possible treatment for cluster headaches after some of their patients reported remission following a recreational use of psychedelics.
  6. Magic mushrooms have successfully reduced symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in a small study of patients who did not respond to conventional serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) drug therapy. Magic Mushrooms Guides
  7. Magic mushrooms have been used as part of an assisted treatment plan to treat alcoholism. Reports show that significant reduction in drinking and abstinence from drinking were reported when magic mushrooms were administered as part of the treatment program.
  8. Magic mushrooms have been used in a recent trial to help people quit smoking tobacco. In this trial, two to three treatment sessions with psilocybin as part of a larger cognitive-behavioral therapy program for smoking cessation had an 80% success rate. 12 out of the 15 subjects were able to quit smoking! Conventional smoking cessation approaches such as gum, patches, cold turkey, etc. have about 35% success rate.
  9. Last but not least, it is fun.Magic Mushrooms Guides

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